Friday, July 29, 2011

The Full Moon

So life happens, isn't it interesting? How one thing you do seems totally irrelevant and then a few days later you know it happened for a reason.... and it all of a sudden is so vivid. If only more aspects of life were like this, then we would know if what we are doing is right... I'm not sure if I'm wording this right. For example, today I was studying for the MCATS and recently I've been struggling with how much time I should be putting into it. I got a migraine and came home to sleep and watch Netflix. After watching two National Geographic specials I wanted a light comedy and  resorted to my personal and long time favorite, Scrubs. Growing up,  I would just laugh and laugh at this show, and saw almost every episode. There were 185 episodes to choose from so I just blindly chose one, entitled "My full moon".

 The simplicity of a full moon....

You would think it's about, you know maybe the full moon. The episode was more of a serious one that showed Elliot and Turks contemplation and weighing out the positives and negatives about being a doctor. This is one of the moments. A moment where I am like holy he'l, why did I get a migraine, why am I watching this today, why is it this timing? What happened previously in my life, for this to be happening right now?  Should I look further into this? I don't know. In life I'm one of the people that does take meaning from the unexpected and from experience, but if I didn't then would I let this change my mind?

Because I am one to symbolize this synchronocity in the everyday mundane life, then I do take meaning, I do that is NOT a coincidence that I saw this one random episode at this point in my life .  On this day. When I am studying for the MCATS. I am the kind of person to use this experience now and maybe subconsciously change my behavior for the future. But is that right!? Am I supposed to? It confuses me and the only thing that helps me stop is to not look into it and to continue making decisions as I do. When you think too much it's when you start to worry. What I've learned is that despite my deliberation on a subject matter, no matter what goes through my mind, I always go back to my first, underlying immediate thought. Should I go for a run? If my first thought is no, even if I put my spandex and sneakers on, I won't end up going because I didn't have the initial thought. Our actions are as vivid and precise as our intentions.

This may seem to be going off topic but it truly goes back to the episode of scrubs. This week in particular I am questioning, md phd school, and this episode of scrubs addressed my concerns.

Don't ignore those glimpses that someone wants you to see to help aid you to pursuing your original thought. Yes I want a doctorate, yes I have all these fears and things that hold me back. Yes it's a reality. But no I won't let it stop me. I will face the unknown, I will take into consideration others opinions, but believe it or not, I probably will do what I was thinking originally anyways.

My favorite clip from this episode....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gee.. its not brain surgery...

"The human brain, then, is the most complicated organization of matter that we know."

 GEE, ITS NOT BRAIN SURGERY. That is a common proverb when you are attempting to do something that is easy, but it comes off as it being a complicated task. Such as,  writing a 1 page essay, or trying to put together a desk from IKEA. It is a common saying to give someone a hard time, or to make someone feel worse about themselves. But what if your a brain surgeon, and it really is brain surgery? What do you compare it to, rocket science? What does the rocket scientist compare it to?

This past week... I observed two brain surgeries and realized I NEVER want to be a brain surgeon (or a surgeon). It truly fascinates me, observing and learning about the process, and viewing surgery as an art (yes, I am calling someones gray matter (or brains) an art), because it was blissfully and unexpectedly beautiful.  It has a rhythm that after watching, assuages me that some people are meant to be brain surgeons. It is a natural ability, just as one's ability to preform art.

   Some people have that technical mindset that visualizes the interworkings of the brain, and how to re-wire it. But it is also very challenging, I mean, no stress if you mess up right? But to them it becomes a process, just as if your job was to enter data into excel spread sheets, there is to take saws to brain. And I am sure they make mistakes.

What surprised me and excited me most was the beauty of the techniques. I am not saying that human flesh is beautiful, it honestly crosses my mind everytime I eat meat now.... but the techniques and creativity involved in the surgery aspect was absolutely astounding. I think any artist should observe brain surgery, as the crudeness yet beauty and pristineness and intricacy makes it in fact, extremely artful.

"Minds are simply what brains do."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Junior decisions

I  came home for the weekend, usually a rarity, but for now, a necessity. For some reason, junior year has evoked some intense anxiety from within. I am not sure why, or where it comes from, or even when it hits, but when it comes it scares me. Most of the anxiety comes when I am uncomfortable, unprepared, or stressed, mostly a combination of everything. Many times, I feel my throat tighten, my eyes hold back tears, and my mouth close, holding back the scream that I want to let out, hoping that by screaming it will solve something, give me answers. I think my anxiety comes from not knowing answers, not having a set thing for what is going to happen, given whatever situation it is in.

Being a junior requires a lot of pressure, from all sorts of areas. Many of us come to realize who our true friends are, or aren't, many of us can start going to the bars, discovering a whole new world of meeting boys, and friends, but mainly boys. I understated  it's a time in our lives when we really do change a lot. I am not sure if it is because of some of my crazy life experiences, but mentally, I feel ahead of the game, I feel that I kind of am figuring things out, but in an okay way. I am not dead set on anything, but I am in the perfect position to be welcomed to anything new. A good GPA, a good resume, gaining experience. But there is SO MUCH PRESSURE to have a definition (nevermind that for every other circumstance), but a definition of what we are going to be, what our goal is that we are working for. And at this point, I just don't know. AT ALL.

My mom said to me tonight, "gee Kim, you are kinda screwed after college, your major doesn't set you up for anything like you cant even be a temp accountant or marketing, I mean, you know about neuroscience but it doesn't set you up for anything". As discouraging as that is, it is true! I really am screwed. I think that when I think of life in the big picture like that, it freaks me out. It makes me worry, over analyze like... what WILL I be doing a year from now when I am graduated?

The past few months I have to make some pretty big decisions; if I should do research for the summer or go abroad; if I should waste time studying for med school; If i should nanny on the boat to make money or have unpaid internships. All of these decisions are scary because if I chose the wrong one it could impact my future so much! Looking back, nothing impacts your future unless you let it. Unless you make the decision to make that change. What I have learned is that through patience, through waiting, and through thoughtful decision making, everything of those decisions (As to what I will be doing this summer) have fallen into place. And despite my anxiety over the situation, my endless hours of planning, it did work out. I now am doing a bit abroad, nannying AND have two internships. See, it all worked out?

My current dilemma has to do with a teacher not emailing me back; first about a paper, then about my honors project. I have decided NOT to do my honors project with the professor whom I have worked for forever, and now am kind of stranded. I need to have someone by May and it is rare to find anyone now. It is scary, I could be stranded and for a couple days I was FREAKED out. But then I remembered how everything for the summer worked out, as soon as I relaxed and as soon as I made a thoughtful decision, looking at the big picture, it all fit. So yes, I wasted a week worrying about why this professor hasn't emailed me back, too scared to talk to him in person, yet I have waited, and now come this week, I can easily approach him with an open mind about the situation.

I guess what this comes down to is that my moms comment didn't bother me, but it also showed me that I can't think like that. If I thought like that then I would never get anywhere in the now, because I would be too busy worrying about the future. Yes I am screwed being a neuroscience major, but if I focus my abilities on what I am interested in, in this moment, just as my summer plans regarding internships/research/nannying fell in to place, I presume that my honors project will also, and same thing with after college.

I can't even make a decision about what I am going to cook for dinner, or who I am going to go out with on any given night. That is probably so because I do not give myself enough time to come to a full decisions. If I were to give myself enough time to carefully think everything through (such as making a pro/con list with Jill and Gwynn the other night about if we should rent a movie or go see one), then perhaps I wouldn't gather up so much anxiety.

It's not justifiable enough to say to myself, "it will work out, don't worry! everything happens for a reason". Okay, yes I believe this, to the heart. BUT when I get anxiety, this won't stop my throat from tightening up. I need to take three deep breaths, relax, and focus my abilities on what in that moment I am trying to decide. It is only that that matters. It is only that which will make a difference. 

Being a junior is a weird time, we aren't old enough to apply to jobs or grad school, but we are older than the naive freshman and sophomores. Most of us are in the 700 level classes that are super interesting and intriguing, inspiring us to do more with our lives than sit and watch 6 episodes of nip/tuck every day. But we don't know what that next step is. My advice, dont freak, dont let yourself get to the point of anxiety. This is the time in our lives to experiment, try all sorts of new things and see what we like and don't like. There's no other time when we can make mistakes or sign up for the wrong job, and have it be okay. For us to do something and not like it. Just be honest with what you want right now and what is making you happy.